Hook-less holidays in the Mark Brandenburg

The heat of the summer days carries a lordly smile. Dry leaves and pointy pine needles crush as pringles under my shoes. The lake in front of me hides behind a glistening mirror of sun light, full of secret life. I fit my snorkel mask and dive in. The water is literally crystal clear. The white sand that provides an easy entry is a perfect backdrop for a tropical beach like underwater vision experience. Sun rays splinter through the surface and dance in line with reeds that waft above. The crisp cold water speaks in a Nordic tongue and licks my skin in delight. Some small European perch peek around my feet. I swim further out along the reed edge. This seems like a perfect hunting ground for a pike. A curtain of reed stems shield this year’s young brood from the unknown of the open water. I keep a look out for a slender silhouette. It is easy to picture how this skillful predator lurks in the shadows, observing, waiting for the moment to ambush an unexpecting prey.